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MTU Onsite Energy is one of the leading worldwide suppliers of decentralised energy systems based on diesel- and gas-engines.

Our product portfolio includes Diesel Generator Sets, Gas Generator Sets, Power Modules, Components and Accessories, MTU Gendrive Engines and Medium Speed Generator Sets.

al masaood mtu power generation

Volvo Penta logo
Volvo Penta Power Generation engines are designed for the most demanding eventualities.

Volvo Penta’s product portfolio includes engines for standby power, which provides reliable start-ability and dependable backup high-effect power where and when needed. Also, Volvo Penta’s prime power engines supply constant, dependable power for all operations. Excelling in durability and reliability, clients can rest assured their business is running at full capacity.

Engines categories include EU Stage I/EPA Tier 1, EU Stage II/EPA Tier 2, EU Stage IIIA/EPA Tier 3 and EU Stage IV/EPA Tier 4f.

al masaood volvo penta power generation